Jeff's radio spots - take a listen

Jeff on Spending
Doseth for Re-Election-JEFF SPENDING.mp3
MP3 Audio File 850.8 KB
Jeff Endorsements
Dotseth for Re-Election-JEFF ENDORSEMENT
MP3 Audio File 789.5 KB
Dotseth Commercial featuring Melissa
Dotseth for Re-Election MELISSA 60.mp3
MP3 Audio File 1.2 MB
Commercial ad 1
Dotseth Commercial ad for your listening pleasure.
Jeff Dotseth - Melissa.mp3
MP3 Audio File 562.1 KB
Commercial ad 2
Another Dotseth Commercial ad for your listening pleasure.
MP3 Audio File 785.9 KB

Commercial copy below.



This is State Representative Jeff Dotseth.

Two years ago, Minnesota was blessed with a historic budget surplus and a golden opportunity to provide relief from soaring prices.

Instead, Democrats in full control of the Capitol went on a spending spree. They SPENT the $18 billion surplus, RAISED taxes by $10 billion, and INCREASED state spending by 40 percent.

Minnesotans deserve more balance in St. Paul. I’m running for re-election in House District 11A so we can cut taxes, support law enforcement and bring jobs to our region.

I am Jeff Dotseth and I would be honored to earn your vote this November Fifth.



This is State Representative Jeff Dotseth.

Minnesotans have had enough of the price increases, rising energy costs and soaring crime under full Democrat control of our state.

We need more balance down in St. Paul. I’m running for re-election to House District 11A so we can cut taxes, support law enforcement and bring good jobs to this area.

I’m proud to be endorsed by labor groups like the 49ers, Pipe Trades and Carpenters, as well as the Chamber of Commerce, the Minnesota Farm Bureau and more. I am Jeff Dotseth and 

I would be honored to earn your vote this November Fifth.



Hi, my name is Melissa, and I'm here to tell you about my husband, Representative Jeff Dotseth.

Jeff is running for re-election to represent us in the Minnesota House. We own a small local business and live on our family farm. 

Jeff is a man of integrity, a wonderful husband, father and an even better grandfather. I know first hand how much he cares about you and your family. He's been a strong voice for us with his problem-solver's mentality at the Capitol. 

In fact, Jeff subscribes to the old saying that it's amazing what can be accomplished when nobody cares who gets the credit. I think we agree St. Paul needs all the help it can get in that department these days and Jeff has taken the lead.

Please vote for my husband, State Representative Jeff Dotseth this November so he can continue working to make our area an even better place to live, work and go to school.


All paid and prepared for by Dotseth Volunteer Committee

2020 Campaign Fun with Jeff

Past Campaign Fun with Jeff

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Contact Jeff

Call me at 218-485-1168


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Prepared and Paid for by
Dotseth Volunteer Committee

PO Box 2

Kettle River Minnesota