Who is Jeff Dotseth

Career & Being Involved with Our Community

Jeff and Melissa
Jeff and Melissa

Jeff has worked in the real estate business for a better part of his life and loves working with people to solve one of the most important financial decisions a person can make.  His company, Jeff Dotseth & Associates Realty Incorporated, offers would-be home and property owners a variety of special services.  He has been in the real estate and construction business for over 20 years too. Jeff has extensive experience in residential real estate, including commercial and unique properties - together with expertise in land sales and purchases he has become known as the "go to man" for anything real estate. 

Jeff and the Family


The value of Jeff's family is a cornerstone to his passion to serve all families of this district.  He believes that  strong families can weather life's challenges best. He will support and promote all legislative decisions at the capitol that put our families as priority one.


Jeff is a long time resident to our area and involved in the communities where he works and lives.  Jeff’s faith and commitment to his community is a important part of his life.  He and his family are very active in his church and he has served on many community organizations. 

Small town involvement - extensive business experience.


Jeff is committed to working for the great folks of the district.  With his extensive business experience, he can be a great asset to the residents of the area that he calls home.


Minnesota Is a great place - Involvement in state wide issues


Jeff believes we need to be aware and involved in the issues that the State of Minnesota invests their time in - especially when it would affect the district we live in.  He is committed to letting voters know about upcoming important issues and is open to discussion as it relates to state wide issues.


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Contact Jeff

Call me at 218-485-1168


Email me at


Prepared and Paid for by
Dotseth Volunteer Committee

PO Box 2

Kettle River Minnesota